Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stream Of Consciousness-8 More Years?

Ladies and Gentleman November 4th is quickly approaching us. Its time for everyone to come together and change the bs we have gone through the for the last eight years. Today I went door to door letting ppl know early voting started tomorrow and they should get out and vote straight democratic ticket. I only met two houses that were not going to vote for Obama, but everyone else was excited about the opportunity to go to the polls. As corny as it sounds it was very inspiring. I have to give a big shout out to the 72 year old woman with the Mr. Magoo glasses lol. She told me she was a Republican and she has only voted twice in her life; once for Nixon and again for Bush. She told me she is no longer making the same mistake.....she is voting for Barack.
Please, please, please make sure you get out and vote and lets change history for good.

Barack 08'

Check out this site to register as well as vote early:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to let everyone know that this election has really put something in young ppl's ear because were actually excercising our right to vote....I voted on saturday at exactly 12:36 p.m . and i felt like i made a change me persnoally was didnt really care about the politics and so forth but becasue of this important election i have changed my channel on my tv from bet and mtv to cnn and msbc because so much is going on in our "great" country called America. I am encouraging all my friends to vote or lose my number and i am so serious about that too.... I VOTED and so should you.... early voting is ending this friday the hours are mon-friday 7am-5pm sat-sunday 7am-7pm ...there should be no excuses not to vote if you make time to be a bopper on the weekends swing by you county and vote.....

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